Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Day Camp Postponed until Summer 2021
Day Camp at Grace
June 22-26
Day Camp at Grace
Summer 2021
8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m.
For K-5th graders*
*Grade completed in 2021
Come for a week of fun in a Christian community setting! Led by trained staff from the Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central PA.
You pack a lunch, we provide the snacks and fun!
In addition to camp-style fun, games, and singing, we will spend one afternoon at a local pool, and one afternoon we will go bowling!
Family & friends can join us at the end of the week for a celebration at Kentland at 4:30p.m.!
Cost per camper: $150/week
Grace Lutheran Church
1610 Carlisle Road, Camp Hill
(and we will use our retreat center on 19 acres:
1022 E. Winding Hill Road, Mech.)
Drop off and pick up will be at Grace Church
Drop off up to 9a.m. and pick up after 4p.m. for the most fun for your camper!
Questions? Email the church office or call us at 717-737-0439.
How to Register
Submit the Registration Form & Health Waiver, with a copy of your insurance card. Send it by email to the church office, or mail it to our address.
Submit payment, due with registration. Mail a check, made payable to Grace Lutheran Church, to our address. Coming soon: pay with a card on our site or by the giving app.